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Youth Assets and Associations with Adolescent Risk Taking
Journal of School Health
  • Lynne Messer, OHSU-PSU School of Public Health
  • Corrie Halladay, Oregon Health & Science University
  • Gina Hofert, TRAIL Project
  • Barbara K. Sheppard, TRAIL Project
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Positive youth development emphasizes that adaptive features of adolescence may contribute to teenage pregnancy prevention. METHODS

Using data from approximately 1300 seventh‐ninth graders, we describe positive youth development assets (external and internal) and their association with sexual risk taking. School‐, sex‐, and race/ethnicity‐stratified logistic or linear models assessed associations between developmental assets and 6 outcomes (continuous attitudes about teenage sex and marriage, abstinence intentions, and nonsexual risk‐taking behavior; dichotomous high risk‐dating behavior, friends' sexual activity, and prior sexual activity). RESULTS

Associations between developmental assets and youth sexual behavior differed by school, sex, and race/ethnicity. White female respondents showed the most consistent associations between higher amounts of each of the positive youth development assets and attitudes and behaviors conducive to delaying sexual activity while black youth showed the fewest associations. CONCLUSION

These results contribute to the positive youth development literature by identifying that relationships between assets and adolescent risk differs by race and sex.


© 2020 American School Health Association

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Citation Information
Messer, L. C., Halladay, C., Hofert, G., & Sheppard, B. K. (2020). Youth Assets and Associations With Adolescent Risk Taking. Journal of School Health, josh.12973.