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Gender in Applied Communication Contexts
Gender in Applied Communication Contexts
  • Patrice M. Buzzanell, Purdue University
  • Helen Sterk, Western Kentucky University
  • Lynn H. Turner, Marquette University
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Gender in Applied Communication Contexts explores the intersection and integration of feminist theory as applied to four important areas: organizational communication, health communication, family communication, and instructional communication. This collection of readings links theoretical insights and contributions to pragmatic ways of improving the lives of women and men in a variety of professional and personal situations. Gender in Applied Communication Contexts is recommended for upper-division and graduate-level courses in gender and communication, feminist theory, organizational communication, health communication, instructional communication, and applied communication. This anthology is also recommended as a research resource for scholars in Women’s Studies, Family Studies, and Business and Management.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

P. M. Buzzanell, H. Stark & L. H. Turner (Eds.), Gender in Applied Communication Contexts, Sage Publications, 400 p.

Citation Information
Patrice M. Buzzanell, Helen Sterk and Lynn H. Turner. Gender in Applied Communication Contexts. Gender in Applied Communication Contexts (2004)
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