EU: Has the Time Come to Simplify Food Law?
Rivista di diritto alimentare
Current EU food legislation is extremely complex, and unsustainably so. Furthermore, in the context of a food chain consisting of several stages between production and consumption, various factors have helped foster even greater levels of complexity, such as the national exceptions included in the Regulations, the neo-protectionist tendencies of some Member States (typical of a period of generalised economic crisis), etc. A world which is increasingly globalized, competitive and dominated by new technologies needs an effective and efficient regulatory environment: in this context, the Commission has set up the “REFIT Platform” to conduct an ongoing dialogue with Member States and stakeholders on improving EU legislation in the context of the Regulatory Fitness and Performance Programme.
- EU Law,
- Food Law,
- European Union,
- Food safety
Publication Date
June 8, 2016
Citation Information
Luis González Vaqué. "EU: Has the Time Come to Simplify Food Law?" Rivista di diritto alimentare Iss. 1 (2016) p. 6 - 10 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/luis_gonzalez_vaque/208/
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