Indomethacin Induced and Prostaglandin Relieved Coarctation of the Aorta in Right Aortic Arch With Left Arterial Duct: a Case Report
Cardiology in the Young
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We describe the case of an infant with DiGeorge syndrome born with a right aortic arch and left arterial duct. Despite the remote location of the right aortic arch from the left arterial duct, he developed coarctation of the aorta during treatment with indomethacin. This was relieved by prostaglandin treatment. This case highlights the fact that, even in the absence of an arterial duct, ductal tissue can still be present in the aorta, and cause coarctation when exposed to indomethacin. We also demonstrate the utility of prostaglandin for relief of this type of obstruction.
Citation Information
Stevi Golden-Plotnik, Herschel C Rosenberg and Luis A Altamirano-Diaz. "Indomethacin Induced and Prostaglandin Relieved Coarctation of the Aorta in Right Aortic Arch With Left Arterial Duct: a Case Report" Cardiology in the Young Vol. 27 Iss. 5 (2017) p. 1026 - 1029 Available at: