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Housing Cost Burden and Marital Satisfaction
Marriage & Family Review
  • Samantha Nelson, Utah State University
  • Lucy M. Delgadillo, Utah State University
  • Jeffrey P. Dew, Utah State University
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This study assessed the relationship between housing burden ratios and marital satisfaction. We also examined whether economic pressure might mediate this association and whether housing satisfaction would moderate it. Using existing data from the National Survey of Families and Households (n = 5,109 participants), results suggested that participants' housing burden ratio was negatively associated with marital satisfaction. Among homeowners, having a paid-off home mortgage was positively associated with marital satisfaction. These relationships were fully mediated by feelings of economic pressure. Although housing satisfaction was positively associated with marital satisfaction, it did not mediate the association between participants' housing burden ratio and their reported marital satisfaction.

Citation Information
Nelson, S., Delgadillo, L., & Dew, J. (2013). Housing cost burden and marital satisfaction. Journal of Marriage and Family Review, 49(6), 546-561.