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Towards Automated Threat Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems
7th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS)
  • Ameerah-Muhsinah Jamil, Iowa State University
  • Shifa Khan, Iowa State University
  • Jian Kai Lee, Iowa State University
  • Lotfi ben Othmane, Iowa State University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
7th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS)
Publication Version
Accepted Manuscript
Publication Date
Conference Title
7th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS)
Conference Date
August 24-26, 2021
(3.492095, 103.3895446)

Cyber-Physical System (CPS) seamlessly integrates the computation, communication, and physical components of the system. Often, a CPS controls physical objects through computation and communication and uses of real-time feedback. Threat models of such systems must consider their hardware, network, infrastructure, software, and human aspects and the interactions of these aspects. Commonly, threat modeling of such systems is based on the given system’s architecture. In terms of components and interactions among these components, the architecture of a given CPS may change over time, making the threat model of the CPS rapidly obsolete–i.e., incomplete and invalid threat model. This paper poses the question: Can we automate threat modeling of a given CPS? A positive answer to the question helps to implement continuous up-to-date security assessments of CPSs–for different versions of the given system. It presents an approach to maintain the threat model of given CPSs up-to-date and reports about applying the proposed approach on Apollo Auto 3.5, an autonomous vehicle software. Unfortunately, the scalability limitation of the used architecture recovery technique prevents the recovering the Apollo Auto architecture and, consequently, the automated identification of the system’s threat model.


This is a manuscript of a proceeding published as Jamil, Ameerah-Muhsinah, Shifa Khan, Jian Kai Lee, and Lotfi ben Othmane. "Towards Automated Threat Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems," 7th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS), IEEE, Pekan, Malaysia, 2021. Posted with permission.

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Citation Information
Ameerah-Muhsinah Jamil, Shifa Khan, Jian Kai Lee and Lotfi ben Othmane. "Towards Automated Threat Modeling of Cyber-Physical Systems" Pekan, Malaysia7th International Conference on Software Engineering & Computer Systems (ICSECS) (2021)
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