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Can professional learning improve teachers' confidence, attitudes and beliefs about algebra?
Education Conference Papers
  • Lorraine Day, University of Notre Dame Australia
  • Derek Hurrell, University of Notre Dame Australia
Publication Date

With the increased magnification of Algebra in the Australian Curriculum, many teachers, especially those in the early, primary and middle years cohorts, feel inadequate with the content to be taught. A professional learning (PL) model to address this was designed to enhance teachers' content and pedagogical knowledge, provide sufficient time and resources, address identified needs while modelling high quality teaching. The research component of the program aimed to discover whether the teachers' confidence, attitudes and beliefs about Algebra improved as a result of the experience and if so, whether similarly structures PL might be employed for a more generalised population.

  • algebra,
  • professional learning model

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Citation Information
Lorraine Day and Derek Hurrell. "Can professional learning improve teachers' confidence, attitudes and beliefs about algebra?" (2013) ISSN: 9781875900770
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