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Family Leisure Among Head Start Families: Correlates with Literacy and Parent Involvement in Head Start Workshops
National Head Start Association Research Quarterly
  • Lori A. Roggman, Utah State University
Document Type
Taylor and Francis
Publication Date

"Leisure" is the grown-up term for "play." You have all heard, many times probably, that "play" is the child's work That phrase is so common that I'm not even certain who said it first. It is common because it is true children gain so much, developmentally and emotionally, from their play activities that play is viewed as an essential activity of childhood. But what about adults? Do you play? Should you play? Do adults gain anything developmentally or emotionally, from their play (or "leisure") activities? Programs for Head Start children include play, but what about programs for their parents?


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Citation Information
Roggman, L. A. (1997). Family leisure among Head Start families: Correlates with literacy and parent involvement in Head Start workshops. National Head Start Association Research Quarterly, 1, 109-115.