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Re-Thinking Staff Resources in the E-Serials Environment. A Report of the ALCTS Continuing Resources Section, Education Committee Program, American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, July 2009
Technical Services Quarterly
  • Lori Osmus Kappmeyer, Iowa State University
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As more serials have become electronic, serials work has become more complex, and staff workloads have increased to deal with both print and electronic continuing resources. Staff resources are limited, so some work must stop or change in this environment. In this program, three speakers, two from academic libraries and one from a public library, discussed the methods they have used to streamline workflows and re-allocate staff to manage continuing resources more efficiently. The speakers were asked to cover what they stopped doing and why, what staff re-training was needed, the impact of the changes on customer service, and what they have learned from their experiences.

This article is from Technical Services Quarterly 27 (2010): 364–367, doi:10.1080/07317131.2010.500976.

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Taylor and Francis Group, LLC
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Citation Information
Lori Osmus Kappmeyer. "Re-Thinking Staff Resources in the E-Serials Environment. A Report of the ALCTS Continuing Resources Section, Education Committee Program, American Library Association Annual Conference, Chicago, July 2009" Technical Services Quarterly Vol. 27 Iss. 4 (2010) p. 364 - 367
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