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Digital Studio tutors as partners
International Journal for Students as Partners (2019)
  • Dr. Cassandra Branham, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University - Daytona Beach
  • Sally Blomstrom, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Lori A Mumpower, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University
  • Kimberly R. Kissh
  • Jaclyn Wiley
  • Yunxiao Liu
  • Kody Miller
  • Zachary Bryant
  • Brian Reedy
This case study examines an initiative at a STEM-focused university where a Digital Studio was developed in response to a perceived lack of digital literacies among students. Digital Studio tutors partnered with faculty, students, and the Center for Teaching and Learning Excellence to improve instruction and enhance students’ communication and digital literacy skills. Digital Studio tutors acted as partners in several ways, including developing training materials, conducting on-campus outreach, and contributing to curriculum development and content delivery in a Speech course. Ultimately, we observed that positioning Digital Studio tutors as partners enhanced the learning experience for all involved. The tutors’ skills, knowledge, and approaches complemented those of the faculty member to help students achieve the learning outcomes of the course, while also allowing the tutors and the faculty director to enhance their own digital literacy skills through their involvement in the Digital Studio.
  • students-as-partners,
  • peer tutoring,
  • digital literacies
Publication Date
Summer May 7, 2019
Citation Information
Branham, C., Blomstrom, S., Mumpower, L., Kissh, K., Wiley, J., Liu, Y., Miller, K., Bryant, Z., & Reedy, B. (2019). Digital studio tutors as partners. International Journal for Students As Partners, 3(1), 140-149.