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Teaching with Vitality: Pathways to Health and Wellness for Teachers and Schools
Music Educators Journal (2022)
  • Lori F. Gray, Boise State University
Teaching with Vitality: Pathways to Health and Wellness for Teachers and Schools by Peggy D. Bennett, according to its front cover, addresses ways to "minimize conflict and maximize vitality" in classrooms, schools, and teachers' daily lives. The stated purpose of the book, says the cover text, is to provide tips for lessening these conflicts so that teachers can "choose daily pathways that lead to health, wellness, and vitality." This book was written, this cover text continues, for "junior and seasoned teachers" who teach any age level or subject area.
Publication Date
June, 2022
Citation Information
Lori F. Gray. "Teaching with Vitality: Pathways to Health and Wellness for Teachers and Schools" Music Educators Journal Vol. 108 Iss. 4 (2022) p. 10 - 11
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