Online Learning in Music: Foundations, Frameworks, and Practices by Judith Bowman
Music Education Research
Online Learning in Music: Foundations, Frameworks, and Practices, by Judith Bowman, is divided into 3 main sections with 10 chapters that address background, theoretical frameworks, and practices for online teaching and learning. Throughout the book, the author provides a thorough review of literature related to online learning, pedagogy, and course design. According to Bowman, ‘It is not a how-to manual. Rather, it presents ways to think about online music instruction at the course level from design to development to effective practices’ (vii). The book has three appendices, one that lists current institutions of higher education that offer online degrees in music. However, while the program details may be useful for research, some of the information for the institutions is outdated.
Publication Date
Citation Information
Lori F. Gray. "Online Learning in Music: Foundations, Frameworks, and Practices by Judith Bowman" Music Education Research Vol. 19 Iss. 2 (2017) p. 226 - 230 Available at: http://works.bepress.com/lori-gray/2/