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Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices
Edutopia International Online Magazine
  • Lori Desautels, Butler University
Document Type
Blog Post
Publication Date
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When presented with new material, standards, and complicated topics, we need to be focused and calm as we approach our assignments. We can use brain breaks and focused-attention practices to positively impact our emotional states and learning. They refocus our neural circuitry with either stimulating or quieting practices that generate increased activity in the prefrontal cortex, where problem solving and emotional regulation occur.

File contains an archival version of an article originally available on Edutopia. Archived with permission. The author reserves all rights.
Citation Information
Lori Desautels. "Energy and Calm: Brain Breaks and Focused-Attention Practices" Edutopia International Online Magazine (2015)
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