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Zoological Record
ccAdvisor (2017)
  • Lori Bronars, Yale University
The Zoological Record (ZR) database is widely regarded as a valuable index to the world's zoological literature. The search interface on the Web of Science platform is intuitive and simple to use. Its content could be significantly improved by correcting the "Title unknown" records and by added in new older records from earlier indexes and bibliographies, Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, which began in 1835, Bibliotheca Zoologica I, covering 1846-1860, and Bibliotheca Historico-Naturalis. Verzeichniss der Bucher uber Naturgeschichte welche in Deutschland, Scandinavien, Holland, England, Frankreich, Italien und spanien in den jahren 1700-1846 erschienen sind by W. Engelmann, covering 1700-1846 compared to ZR's 1864. This would make ZR closer to being one-stop shopping for zoological literature references. This article is a review of the ZR database.
  • Zoological Record,
  • zoology
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Citation Information
Lori Bronars. "Zoological Record" ccAdvisor (2017)
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