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Gender differences in aggressive and violent behavior among African-American preadolescents: A comparison of the effects of social and psychological factors
Social Change for Women and Children (1999)
  • Lois Pierce
  • Nancy Shields
Considers policy implications of gender research with an emphasis on its relevance for children-particularly girls; and gender inequality within a range of contexts from that of Cameroon society where basic education is an issue, to that of feminist family settings in the United States.
  • gender issues,
  • gender groups,
  • violence
Publication Date
December 27, 1999
Marcia Texler Segal; Vasilikie P Demos
Emerald Group Publishing Limite
Advances in gender research
Citation Information
Pierce, L. and Shields, N. (1999), "Gender differences in aggressive and violent behavior among African-American preadolescents: A comparison of the effects of social and psychological factors", Demos, V. and Texler Segal, M. (Ed.) Social Change for Women and Children (Advances in Gender Research, Vol. 4), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, Bingley, pp. 227-254.