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PV Solar Technology for Energy Cost and Emissions Reduction in Rural Area
Psychology Faculty Publications
  • Aniekan Eno-Ibanga, Prairie View A&M University
  • Dominic Okeke, Prairie View A&M University
  • Logan Yelderman, Prairie View A&M University
  • Sarhan M. Musa, Prairie View A&M University
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date

The world in recent times has leaned towards increased use of renewable energy which is because of spiking cost of fossil fuels, environmental impact etc. Solar energy from the sun has seen a lot of application recently mainly due to its availability and scalability. Sunlight is composed of photons-packets of solar energy. When photons strike a photovoltaic (PV) cell, they may be reflected or absorbed, or they may pass right through. The absorbed photons generate electricity. The energy of a photon is transferred to an electron in an atom of the semiconductor device. An array of solar cells converts solar energy into a usable amount of Direct Current (DC) electricity. This paper presents a PV solar farm system using electricity usage data obtained from a utility provider in a rural area (Prairie View) in Texas, while examining factors that may affect solar energy integration in the area. The results of the power and voltages generated at different temperatures are analyzed and compared.

Citation Information
Aniekan Eno-Ibanga, Dominic Okeke, Logan Yelderman and Sarhan M. Musa. "PV Solar Technology for Energy Cost and Emissions Reduction in Rural Area" (2021)
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