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Unpublished Paper
Data Visualization and 3D-Printing
  • Louis R Nemzer
This article reviews the use of physical models for representing, communicating, and analyzing data, both before and after the advent of 3D-printing. Such models have been found to be useful tools for pedagogical, research, and industrial applications. Until recently, however, their creation and distribution had been perceived as prohibitively expensive and labor-intensive. As 3D-printing gains increasing acceptance, the physicalization of data has become easier and faster than ever before.  Since digital files can be created, modified, and shared almost instantly - and printed in a matter minutes or hours - the use of physical models for data visualization is poised for a Renaissance. New examples demonstrating the value of 3D-printing for data physicalization are included.
  • Data visualization,
  • 3D-Printing,
  • Additive Manufacturing
Publication Date
Citation Information
Louis R Nemzer. "Data Visualization and 3D-Printing" (2018)
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