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Case 7 : Integration of FP-MNCH Services to Accelerate Reduction of Maternal and Child Deaths: Bangladesh Experience
Western Public Health Casebooks
  • Umme Meena, Western University
  • Megan Rhodes, USAID
  • Lloy Wylie, Western University
Case Synopsis

Women and children are still dying in alarming numbers from preventable causes. A child born in a low-income country is approximately 18 times more likely to die before the age of 5 than a child born in a developed country. Over a lifetime, a woman’s risk of dying as a result of pregnancy and child-birth in a low-income country is over 40 times higher than in the United States. Ending Preventable Child and Maternal Deaths (EPCMD) by 2035 is one of United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) top priority health initiatives. Currently, USAID invests 90 percent of its maternal and child resources in the 24 countries that account for 70 percent of maternal and child deaths in the developing world. Bangladesh has made remarkable development progress over the last decade, achieving a sharp decline of maternal mortality ratio (MMR). This case examines the initiatives in Bangladesh to see how they can inform strategies for the other priority countries where USAID is making significant investments in maternal, newborn child health (MNCH).

Case Objectives
  1. Explore models for integrated services in a resource poor country.
  2. Assess MNCH strategies adopted in Bangladesh to inform initiatives in other nations.
  3. Examine policy frameworks to identify support for integrated MNCH.
Case Study Questions
  1. To what extent is a supportive policy environment in place to facilitate integration?
  2. To what extent are programs being consolidated to achieve better outcomes at lower cost?
  3. To what extent are health system support strategies being managed to support integrated service delivery and healthy behaviors in the home?
  4. To what extent have services been integrated to expand access, improve quality, lower costs, and respond to client needs?
  5. To what extent are families adopting healthy behaviors to safeguard their well-being and improve their quality of life?
  • Bangladesh,
  • maternal,
  • newborn child health,
  • family planning,
  • service integration,
  • Millennium development goals
Additional Author Information

Umme Meena, MBBS, DRH, MPH

Megan Rhodes, Deputy Division Chief, Maternal and Child Health Division

Lloy Wylie, PhD, Assistant Professor

Citation Information
Meena, U., Rhodes, M., Wylie, L. (2015). Integration of FP-MNCH Services to Accelerate Reduction of Maternal and Child Deaths: Bangladesh Experience in: Speechley, M., & Terry, A.L. [eds] Western Public Health Casebook 2015. London, ON: Public Health Casebook Publishing.