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Redefining Roles for the Digital Revolution: Reference, Repositories, and Reading Rooms
SEFLIN, Florida (2016)
  • Lisandra R. Carmichael, University of North Florida
  • Susan A. Massey, University of North Florida
The University of North Florida Thomas G. Carpenter Library created new positions and departments within a 5-year period to support the introduction of disruptive technologies. The library transition included deselection of print reference materials, transitioning space from traditional reading areas to a technology-rich Library Commons, the implementation of EBSCO Discovery Service, and creation of a Digital Projects department.  New services introduced included LibChat, LibAnswers, LibGuides, laptop and equipment circulation, a Digital Commons, and Campus Guides for internal documentation. These changes took place in an academic setting, but the lessons learned apply to all types of libraries. Session attendees will gain a better understanding of how to successfully (a) address change management; (b) redefine roles and responsibilities to support newly created work demands; (c) develop an in-house training program; and (d) help staff adjust to the impending changes.
Publication Date
Summer July 28, 2016
University of North Florida
Citation Information
Carmichael, L. R., & Massey, S. (2016, July). Redefining roles for the digital revolution: Reference, repositories, and reading rooms. A presentation at the 2016 South East Florida Library Information Network; North Miami, Florida.
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