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Digital Rhetoric: Doing Things with Words Online
Dissertations, Theses and Capstone Projects
  • Lisa M. Russell, Kennesaw State University
Date of Award
Degree Type
Degree Name
Master of Arts in Professional Writing (MAPW)
First Advisor
Dr. Anne Richards
Second Advisor
Dr. Laura McGrath

It is through rhetorical principles applied to digital writing that online writers can be heard above the din confronting weary online browsers. The synergy between classical rhetoric and new media practices leads to persuasive and memorable digital writing. Despite the hurried clip and the complex nature of technology, grounding writing in firm rhetorical concepts can produce compelling online content. The purpose of this capstone project is to teach specific audiences how to do things with words online through a series of three modules whose unifying themes include the broad topics of targeting niche audiences, persuasive writing, and using the digital medium of communications.

Citation Information
Lisa M. Russell. "Digital Rhetoric: Doing Things with Words Online" (2012)
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