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Turnaways or Denials:  a sales pitch by any other name?
VALE / NJ ACRL / NJLA CUS Users’ Conference (2017)
  • Sulekha Kalyan
  • Lisa M Rose-Wiles
Many publishers routinely include unsuccessful attempts to access full text “denials”(aka “turnaways”) in their journal usage statistics. However, publishers and now vendors have become increasingly persistent in presenting librarians with turnaways as evidence of “unmet demand” for journal content and urging us purchase subscriptions.
These statistics may be a useful collection development tool, but is pursuing libraries with “denials” simply another sales pitch, or does it represent a more fundamental change in the journal market? Does the combination of “offering all content” (subscribed or not) and then reporting “denials” seem like a Demand Driven Acquisition Plan, implemented without our requesting it? 
  • denials,
  • collection development,
  • eJournals
Publication Date
January 6, 2017
Piscataway, NJ
Citation Information
Sulekha Kalyan and Lisa M Rose-Wiles. "Turnaways or Denials:  a sales pitch by any other name?" VALE / NJ ACRL / NJLA CUS Users’ Conference (2017)
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