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Dispatches from Dream City
Planning Theory and Practice (2012)
  • Lisa K Bates, Portland State University
  • Marisa A. Zapata, University of Cincinnati
Loving attachment toour racial/ethnic heritage communities aims to produce knowledge that is emancipatory for communities and transformative for planning practice. Love energizes our work. It enables us to tell important stories of difference and portray communities as more than just problematic. At the same time, the attachment that makes our work possible is often seen as a troubling acknowledgement of a lack of objectivity by dominant culture academic planners. In this essay, we present a conversation between ourselves to share our path to accept and outwardly speak about love and attachment. We are young scholars with planning PhDs. We are women of color, with mixed racial heritage. Like many of our colleagues, we come from class privilege.This dialogue proceeds in the language and tone that we use when we are actually doing the reflexive work—just as we break it down in the lobby of the conference hotel, over the phone, and via text. While we are capable of situating this conversation in scholarship and theory, we’ve chosen to present this as “real talk”
Publication Date
Publisher Statement
In "What's Love Got To Do With It?: Illuminations on Loving Attachment in Planning," Libby Porter, Leonie Sandercock, and Karen Umemoto, eds. Planning Theory and Practice. 13(4):593-627.
Citation Information
Lisa K Bates and Marisa A. Zapata. "Dispatches from Dream City" Planning Theory and Practice Vol. 13 Iss. 4 (2012)
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