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Unfit to teach
The Physical Educator (2017)
  • Lisa Griffin, Georgia College & State University
  • M. Maina
  • T. Clifford
  • S. Martin
  • M. Sparks
  • Kevin Hunt, Georgia College & State University
Purpose: Physical education (PE) teachers appear to have a powerful influential effect on learners in the instructional environment through the manner in which they model those behaviors and practices they espouse. The purpose of this study was to determine if Georgia secondary PE teachers are capable of modeling Healthy Fitness Zone (HFZ) standards, as determined by FitnessGram 9, at a level that secondary students perceive as fit. Method: One hundred forty-eight participants (112 males, 36 females) ranging in age from 23 to 55 years (M = 37, SD = 8.5) were assessed independently using the FitnessGram 9 protocols for Aerobic Capacity via the 20-meter PACER test, Muscular Strength and Endurance via the push-up and curl-up tests, Flexibility via the single leg sit-and-reach test, and Body Composition via the height and weight BMI test. Assessments occurred during the 2015-2016 school year. Participants represented 64 of the 193 state public school districts, including 86 of the 954 secondary schools. Results: Males performed significantly below the HFZ in all of the areas, with the exception of upper body muscular strength and endurance. Females scored significantly below the HFZ in the majority of areas, with the exceptions of upper body and abdominal muscular strength and endurance. Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that male and female secondary PE teachers within the state of Georgia are unable to perform the majority of FitnessGram tests within the HFZ designated for adults--a score of > 17--and are therefore likely to be perceived by students as hypocritical, which thereby undermines their instructional effectiveness. 
  • PHYSICAL education teachers,
  • PHYSICAL fitness testing,
  • MUSCLE strength,
  • BODY mass index,
  • STUDENT health
Publication Date
Citation Information
Lisa Griffin, M. Maina, T. Clifford, S. Martin, et al.. "Unfit to teach" The Physical Educator Vol. 74 Iss. 4 (2017) p. 701 - 714
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