Healthy People 2010 Information Access Project - Focus Area 13: HIV
- HIV Prevention,
Publication Date
"The purpose of this site is to make information and evidence-based strategies related to the Healthy People 2010 objectives easier to find. The National Library of Medicine and the Public Health Foundation staff have worked together to develop pre-formulated search strategies for selected Healthy People 2010 focus areas.
These one-click strategies search PubMed, a database of the National Library of Medicine that provides access to over 11 million citations from MEDLINE and additional life science journals. PubMed includes links to many sites providing full text articles and other related resources. Click on the focus areas listed below to link to specific search strategies.
This site is a pilot project funded by the National Library of Medicine, with assistance from the Public Health Foundation and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine. Eventually the Partners hope to expand the range of searches to cover all Healthy People 2010 focus areas. Your feedback is important to this project and will be greatly appreciated." -- About the Project
Citation Information
Stacie Deaton-Mabry, Juanita Smith and Lisa C. Wallis. "Healthy People 2010 Information Access Project - Focus Area 13: HIV" (2003) Available at: http://works.bepress.com/lisa-c-wallis/8/