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Let's Sashay with a Sales Manager: Interactive Learning in a Sales Management Class
Marketing Management Association Fall Educators' Conference (MMA)
  • Linda G. Mullen, Georgia Southern University
  • Lindsay R.L. Larson, Georgia Southern University
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Abstract or Description

Experiential learning is an excellent opportunity for students to observe first-hand the material presented within the classroom. The Sashay with a Sales Manager (SWASM) project has proven to be the solution for sales management students to achieve this type of experience. In this semester long project, students shadow a sales manager while completing several related mini-assignments. Results are positive, as reported both by students and sales managers who have participated. Additional benefits for both parties included job offers and internships. Finally, companies involved in the project were receptive to furthering their relationships with the University Sales Center. Sales professionals, students and Centers all found substantial value from this assignment.

New Orleans, LA
Citation Information
Linda G. Mullen and Lindsay R.L. Larson. "Let's Sashay with a Sales Manager: Interactive Learning in a Sales Management Class" Marketing Management Association Fall Educators' Conference (MMA) (2013)
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