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About Lindsay Persohn

Dr. Lindsay Persohn is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Language, Literacy, ED.D., in the College of Education at the University of South Florida Sarasota-Manatee campus. Her research is focused on arts-based qualitative research methodologies for large data sets, children’s literature, visual literacy through the art of children’s book illustration, and, in particular illustrations of Lewis Carroll’s Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland
She has taught in the elementary classroom, supported students and teachers as a school librarian, and served as the district-level coordinator of school library services. Dr. Persohn teaches foundational literacy courses to undergraduate students.
Dr. Persohn is engaged in service opportunities in local, state, and national organizations. She reviews manuscripts for a number of professional publications and has enjoyed reviewing newly published children’s books for the School Library Journal for over a decade. 


Present Assistant Professor, University of South Florida

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Professional Service and Affiliations

2020 - Present Committee Member, Books For Kids, Polk Vision Literacy Team
2020 - Present Co-chair, College of Education Faculty Success and Community Initiatives Committee
2016 - Present Co-chair, Literacy Team for Polk Vision
2015 - Present Director of Membership and Webmaster, Polk County Reading Council
2019 - 2020 Committee Member, Language, Literacy, Ed.D., Exceptional Education, and Physical Education (LLEEP) Department Governan
2017 - 2019 President, Polk County Reading Council
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Honors and Awards

  • Marcus “Pop” Woods Foundation Scholarship - Fall 2017 & Spring 2018 - $1000
  • USF Student Government Conference Travel Grant - Spring 2016 - $500
  • Marcus “Pop” Woods Foundation Scholarship - Fall 2015 & Spring 2016 - $1000
  • USF Student Government Conference Travel Grant - Fall 2013 - $500
  • USF World Study Abroad Scholarship - Summer 2013 - $1000


2018 Ph.D., University of South Florida
2010 M.L.I.S., University of South Florida
2003 B.S., Florida Southern College

Articles (2)

Classroom Caffeine (26)

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