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The Use of Persuasion Management Strategies by Identity-Vulnerable Consumers: The Case of Heterosexual Male Shoppers
Journal of Retailing (2008)
  • Linda Tuncay Zayer, Loyola University Chicago
  • Cele C. Otnes, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

This paper investigates the relevance of Kirmani and Campbell’s (2004) typology of persuasion management strategies to one group of identity-vulnerable consumers, heterosexual urban male shoppers of grooming and fashion products. Our informants use seeker strategies to refine their conceptualizations of heterosexual masculinity, or to gain expertise. In addition to the seeker strategies Kirmani and Campbell identify, our informants employ three new seeker strategies and use previously identified sentry strategies as seeker strategies. We offer theoretical and managerial insights for those interested in the shopping behavior of vulnerable consumers, and more specifically, heterosexual urban male shoppers of fashion and grooming goods.

Publication Date
December, 2008
Publisher Statement
Citation Information
Linda Tuncay Zayer and Cele C. Otnes. "The Use of Persuasion Management Strategies by Identity-Vulnerable Consumers: The Case of Heterosexual Male Shoppers" Journal of Retailing Vol. 84 (2008)
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