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Preadoption Adversity and Long-Term Clinical-Range Behavior Problems in Adopted Chinese Girls
Journal of Counseling Psychology (2016)
  • Tony Xing Tan, University of South Florida
  • Linda A. Camras
  • Eun Sook Kim, University of South Florida
In this study, we report findings on the role of preadoption adversity on long-term clinical-range
problems in adopted Chinese girls. Four waves (2005, 2007, 2009 and 2011) of problem behavior data
on 1,223 adopted Chinese girls (M  4.86 years, SD  2.82 in 2005) were collected from the adoptive
mothers with the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). At Wave 1 (2005), data on the following indicators
of preadoption adversity was collected: age at adoption, physical signs/symptoms (e.g., sores) of
preadoption adversity, developmental delays at arrival, refusal/avoidance behaviors and crying/clinging
behaviors toward adoptive parents during the first 3 weeks of adoption. We found that the percentage of
clinical-range internalizing problems was 11.1%, 16.5%, 11.3%, and 16.1% at Wave 1, Wave 2, Wave
3, and Wave 4, respectively; the corresponding percentage of clinical-range externalizing problems was
8.4%, 10.5%, 8.4% and 9.9% respectively; and the corresponding percentage of clinical-range total
CBCL problems was 9.3%, 13.0%, 9.8% and 12.6% respectively. Analyses with Mplus showed that
controlling for demographic variables, indicators of preadoption adversity, except age at adoption,
increased the odds for clinical-range behavior problems. Longitudinal path models revealed that controlling
for demographic variables and the children’s adjustment status in the previous wave, refusal/
avoidance remained significant in predicting clinical-range internalizing, externalizing and total CBCL
problems at Wave 2, delays at arrival and signs/symptoms were significant in predicting clinical-range
internalizing problems at Wave 3. Overall, adoptees with clinical-range CBCL problems in earlier waves
were 9–28 times as likely to show clinical-range CBCL problems in subsequent waves.
  • preadoption adversity,
  • adopted Chinese children,
  • longitudinal data,
  • clinical-range behavior problems
Publication Date
Citation Information
Tony Xing Tan, Linda A. Camras and Eun Sook Kim. "Preadoption Adversity and Long-Term Clinical-Range Behavior Problems in Adopted Chinese Girls" Journal of Counseling Psychology Vol. 63 Iss. 3 (2016) p. 319 - 330 ISSN: 0022-0167
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