The Myth of “One Drink”
Behaviour Research and Therapy
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Two studies are reported. An interview investigation explored the familiarity with and connotations of the expression, “First Drink, Then Drunk,” for 30 alcoholics; and, by reviewing the data of 214 alcoholics who had become intoxicated to some degree as a result of experimental procedures, a test of the validity of the expression was conducted. It is concluded that a literal interpretation of the expression is invalid. If there is any validity to the statement, it is directly a function of motivational states. The effects of these findings are discussed in terms of treatment implications.
Citation Information
Linda C. Sobell, Mark B. Sobell and William C. Christelman. "The Myth of “One Drink”" Behaviour Research and Therapy Vol. 10 Iss. 2 (1972) p. 119 - 123 ISSN: 0005-7967 Available at:
This investigation was supported (in part) by Public Health Service Grant No. 1 RO 1 MH 16547-01. The opinions or conclusions stated in this paper are those of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as necessarily reflecting the policy of the Department of Mental Hygiene.