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Aging and oral health: Implications for older women
Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry
  • Linda C. Niessen, Nova Southeastern University
  • Gretchen Gibson
Publication Date / Copyright Date
Of the 30 million Americans over age 65, 18.3 million are women and it is estimated that between 1989 and 2030, women will make up an increasingly large segment of this group. As one ages, the risk of chronic disease increases. These diseases and their treatment can have a significant impact on oral health. This article will discuss relevant issues in providing oral health care for older women. The demographics of aging in women, chronic diseases commonly seen in older women, and the impact of these diseases on oral health treatment planning will also be discussed. The article will highlight the importance of prevention of oral diseases throughout a woman's lifetime.
Citation Information
Linda C. Niessen and Gretchen Gibson. "Aging and oral health: Implications for older women" Compendium of Continuing Education in Dentistry Vol. 14 Iss. 12 (1993) p. 1542 - 1554
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