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Possibility Thinking in the Community-Engaged Classroom: Uniting Hope and Imagination towards Anti-Racist Action
Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal
  • Betsy Bowen, Fairfield University
  • Lillian Campbell, Marquette University
  • Jenna Green, Marquette University
  • Emily A. Phillips, Saint Louis University
Document Type
Publication Date
Regis University
Original Item ID
DOI: 10.53309/2164-7666.1455

Drawing on the work of Patrick Saint-Jean, S.J., this article examines the contribution that “possibility thinking” makes to community-engaged learning at three Jesuit universities. The article considers ways in which possibility thinking intersects both Jesuit and secular perspectives on hope and imagination, and their relationship to anti-racist praxis. We then describe three institutional contexts at different stages of enacting community-engaged learning in introductory and upper-level English classes. The article concludes by offering three praxis-oriented directions for community-engaged learning educators to take up in their own institutional contexts: developing faculty capacity and awareness; fostering solidarity not charity; and encouraging reflection not reaction.


Published version. Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal. Vol. 12, No. 2 (2023): 213-227. DOI. © 2023 Regis University. Used with permission.

Citation Information
Betsy Bowen, Lillian Campbell, Jenna Green and Emily A. Phillips. "Possibility Thinking in the Community-Engaged Classroom: Uniting Hope and Imagination towards Anti-Racist Action" Jesuit Higher Education: A Journal (2023) ISSN: 2164-7666
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