Toward sustaining professional development: Identification of essential competencies for chat reference service
Library and Information Science Research
This study identifies the essential chat reference competencies to enhance the professional preparation of reference personnel. A survey was conducted to examine practitioners' perceptions of chat reference competencies reported in the literature. A prioritized competency list was produced based on the survey results. The investigated competencies could be divided into four categories: media-independent core reference competencies, reference competencies highlighted in the context of chat reference, reference competencies specific to chat reference, and reference competencies not as important in chat reference. Competencies in the first three categories received ratings higher than 5.5 (out of 7) and can be defined as the essential competencies requisite for chat reference practice. Findings from this study can be used as the basis to design and implement training and education programs to enhance the professional preparation of chat reference librarians.
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Citation Information
Lili Luo. "Toward sustaining professional development: Identification of essential competencies for chat reference service" Library and Information Science Research Vol. 30 Iss. 4 (2008) Available at: