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Unpublished Paper
Research Report on Supplier Development (English-Chinese)
Working Report (2015)
  • Liang Chen, University of Kentucky

This study assembles, verifies, and refines a catalog of supplier development (SD) activities, and examines the role of knowledge management in SD. 本研究有两个目的:收集,确认,提炼了一个供应商发展策略的目录;检验知识管理活动在供应商发展策略中的角色。

Based on a survey of about 40 SD scholars, this report verifies 30 SD activities and their description, reveals the importance of knowledge sharing in SD, demonstrates to what degree nine knowledge management activities, identified in knowledge chain theory, should be conducted by buying and supplying firms, introduces a new definition of SD from a knowledge-management perspective, and examines how successful this definition is. Overall, this report is very help for understanding and implementing SD. 基于对约四十位学者的调查问卷,本报告确认了三十项供应商发展策略和它们的描述,揭示了知识共享在供应商发展中的重要性,显示了在多大程度上买商和供应商应当在供应商发展策略中执行知识链理论中九项知识管理活动,从知识管理角度引入了一个新的供应商发展的定义,并且检验了该定义在五项标准上的表现。总体而言,该报告会有助于理解和执行供应商发展策略。

Publication Date
Citation Information
Liang Chen. "Research Report on Supplier Development (English-Chinese)" Working Report (2015)
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