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Evaluating the adequacy of meeting student performance standards in the Taipei city public elementary schools
Journal of Education and Psychology (2010)
  • Liang-Cheng Zhang
  • Bao-Jinn Wang
  • Tian-Ming Sheu
The protection of education funding has been one of the characteristics in Taiwan, but we don't have an academic reason for that. Therefore, we use cost function approach that is popular with foreign scholars and legislators to fulfill the incomplete part and take the elementary schools in Taipei for example to estimate the adequate funding. We find that school size and funding efficiency would affect adequate funding. The less school size, the more adequate funding they will need to attain the same student achievement compared with the same school size. However, if those schools use resource efficiently, the adequate funding can be reduced by 14% to 36%. We also find that the cause of not reaching adequate funding maybe lack funding or use resource inefficiently. We offer three recommendations and expect we can estimate the adequate funding for whole elementary schools in Taiwan after national education database is founded.
  • Education funding,
  • Student performance,
  • Elementary schools,
  • Standards,
  • Taiwan,
  • Student achievement
Publication Date
December, 2010
Publisher Statement
[In Chinese: 張良丞、王保進、許添明 (2010)。以學生學業成就評估國民小學教育經費適足性—以台北市為例。教育與心理研究,33(4), 109-136]
Citation Information
Liang-Cheng Zhang, Bao-Jinn Wang and Tian-Ming Sheu. "Evaluating the adequacy of meeting student performance standards in the Taipei city public elementary schools" Journal of Education and Psychology Vol. 33 Iss. 4 (2010) p. 109 - 136 ISSN: 0022-0590
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