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About Liam P. Maher

Dr. Liam P. Maher started at Boise State University in 2018 and is currently an assistant professor in the Department of Management, specializing in Organizational Behavior.  He received his Ph.D. in organizational behavior and human resources management from Florida State University, and an M.B.A. focusing on business administration from Seattle University.  Dr. Maher’s research focuses on organizational politics, including the effects of such on employee performance and behavior, and the political influences on organizations. He is currently a member of the Academy of Management, The Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology, the Southern Management Association, and the Western Academy of Management.


2018 - Present Assistant Professor, Boise State University Department of Management

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Professional Service and Affiliations

Present Member, Academy of Management
Present Member, Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Present Member, Southern Management Association
Present Member, Western Academy of Management
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2018 Ph.D. - Organizational Behavior and Human Resources Management (Minor: Quantitative Methods), Florida State University
2013 M.B.A. - Business Administration, Seattle University
2007 B.A. - Business Administration - Finance (Minor: Economics), Western Washington University

Forthcoming Works (4)

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Articles (11)

Contributions to Books (4)

Conference Proceedings (1)

Conference Presentations (7)