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The Crossover Effects of Supervisor Work-Family Positive Spillover on Employee Sleep Deficiency: Moderating Effects of Family Supportive Supervisor Behaviors (FSSB)
American Academy of Sleep Medicine
  • Tori Laurelle Crain, Portland State University
  • Leslie B. Hammer, Portland State University
  • Todd Bodner, Portland State University
  • Orfeu Buxton, Harvard Medical School
Document Type
Conference Proceeding
Publication Date
  • Work and family,
  • Sleep deprivation -- Social aspects,
  • Sleep deprivation -- Effect of supervision on

Abstract of presentation presented at SLEEP 2012 held June 9-13, 2012 in Boston, Massachusetts

Persistent Identifier
Citation Information
Crain, T. L., Hammer, L. B., Bodner, T., and Buxton, O., (2012) Sleep, 35 A84-A84.