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Unpublished Paper
Patent US 6,992,771 B2 (2006)
  • Leonard J. Bond, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Aaron A. Diaz, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Richard A. Pappas, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Timothy L. Stewart, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
  • Albert Mendoza, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
Systems and techniques for detecting the presence of foreign material in food utilizing optical backlighting and/or ultrasonic inspection are presented. In optical backlighting, a substantially monochromatic light source optically backlights a food stream with source light having a wavelength between about 500 and 600 nm. An image of the food stream is captured and the presence of foreign material is determined when a portion of the detected image exceeds a predetermined threshold. The technique is especially suitable for the detection of bone in chicken meat, and the light source can be a planar array of green LEDs. In ultrasonic inspection, a process stream is interrogated with pulses of ultrasound and the presence of foreign material is determined based on the detected off-angle ultrasound scattering response.
Publication Date
January 31, 2006
Citation Information
Leonard J. Bond, Aaron A. Diaz, Richard A. Pappas, Timothy L. Stewart, et al.. "US6992771.pdf" Patent US 6,992,771 B2 (2006)
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