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Roundtable Discussion:  Experiences with ADR Systems – An International Perspective
Copenhagen Business School (2021)
  • Lela Love, Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law
In the roundtable, each panelist first presents their experience with regard to the theme of the roundtable. The individual presentation is scheduled to last for about 7 minutes. After the presentations, there will be a moderated debate among the panelists concerning some of the main points raised by the presentations. Julia Hörnle (Professor at Queen Mary University, London) will kick-off the discussion by raising the first question to the other panelists.

The theme of the roundtable discussion is how well ADR schemes work in practice and how existing schemes can be improved. We will address questions of how to exploit the potential and how to address limitations of ADR, including:

Can ADR unburden the civil court system and at the same time provide greater access to justice?
Can ADR resolve conflicts more effectively and cheaper without unduly compromising procedural safeguards?
What are the major impediments to a wider adoption of ADR?
Which role can online dispute resolution play in fostering ADR? 
Panel participants:  

Thomas Samsø-Bloch, Director, Danish Mediation Institute: A friendly wake-up call – why the legal society in Denmark should take greater interest in mediation

Lin Adrian, Associate Professor, Copenhagen University: The ‘doublespeak bug’ in Mediation

Giuseppe de Palo, Ombudsman for the Funds and Programmes of the United Nations (UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNOPS and UN-Women.): The emperor has no clothes, and Mediation Sleeping Beauty will awake, if Prince Charming shows up with proper attire

Lela Love, Professor, Cardozo Law, Yeshiva University: But what is mediation? What is being presumed?

Pablo Cortés, Professor, University of Leicester: TBA
Publication Date
January 27, 2021
Citation Information
Lela Love. "Roundtable Discussion:  Experiences with ADR Systems – An International Perspective" Copenhagen Business School (2021)
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