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Demography, reproduction, and dormancy along altitudinal gradients in three intermountain Allium species with contrasting abundance and distribution
Flora (2011)
  • Leila M Shultz, Ph.D.
Little is known about the variation in demographics, flowernumber, fruit set, and summer dormancy in Allium speciesnative to the Intermountain West region of the United States. The purpose of this study was to investigate demographic patterns, summer dormancy traits, and variation in reproductive characteristics among habitats. Three populations of each of three species, Allium acuminatumA. brandegei, and A. passeyi, were studied along an altitudinal gradient in northern Utah, USA, from 2004 to 2006. Demographic data were collected from individuals in permanent plots established in each population. Individual flowering plants were periodically monitored and used to calculate reproductive characteristics. Leaf areameasurements throughout the 2005 growing season and soil temperature sensors were used to assess the relationship between habitat and dormancy characteristics. Populations of the widely distributed species, A. acuminatum and A. brandegei, were dominated by individuals in seedling and floweringstages while the restricted A. passeyi had populations containing a majority of individuals in the post-seedling, but non-flowering stage-class. There was a strong directional trend in A. acuminatum reproductive traits, with flower number and fruit set decreasing with increasing elevation. 
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Citation Information
Leila M Shultz. "Demography, reproduction, and dormancy along altitudinal gradients in three intermountain Allium species with contrasting abundance and distribution" Flora Vol. 206 Iss. 2 (2011) p. 164 - 171
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