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Meeting Engineering Program Objectives through Service Learning Opportunities in Developing Countries
Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture
  • Jeffrey M Plumblee, Clemson University
  • Lansford Bell, Clemson University
  • Leidy E. Klotz, Clemson University
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David Publishing

The civil engineering profession, in an adaptive reaction to emerging roles for civil engineers, is recognizing the need for new engineers to possess a more robust skill set than just the typical design background. This paper describes the efforts of Clemson Engineers for Developing Countries (CEDC) to fulfill the more nontraditional and often unaddressed “learning outcomes” noted by ASCE’s Civil Engineering Body of Knowledge for the 21st Century as important prerequisites for licensure. The learning outcomes are addressed through ongoing international service learning projects in Cange, Haiti. The paper focuses on the following four outcomes and their fulfillment methods: leadership, globalization, teamwork, and communications. The student led organization has allowed students to set up their own fundraising mechanisms, to seek out members to join design review boards, and to develop their own project objectives. This level of student autonomy is noted as key to ensuring that students achieve competency in these four areas.


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