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Inequalities for Permanents and Permanental Minors of Row Substochastic Matrices
Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra
  • Zhi Chen, Nanjing Agricultural University - China
  • Jiawei Li, Nanjing Agricultural University - China
  • Lizhen Yang, Nanjing Agricultural University - China
  • Zelin Zhu, Nanjing Agricultural University - China
  • Lei Cao, Nova Southeastern University
Document Type
Publication Date
  • Row substochastic matrices,
  • Doubly stochastic matrices,
  • Doubly substochastic matrices,
  • Transportation polytopes,
  • Permanents

In this paper, some inequalities for permanents and permanental minors of row substochastic matrices are proved. The convexity of the permanent function on the interval between the identity matrix and an arbitrary row substochastic matrix is also proved. In addition, a conjecture about the permanent and permanental minors of square row substochastic matrices with fixed row and column sums is formulated.


©2019 The Authors

Citation Information
Zhi Chen, Jiawei Li, Lizhen Yang, Zelin Zhu, et al.. "Inequalities for Permanents and Permanental Minors of Row Substochastic Matrices" Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra Vol. 35 (2019) p. 633 - 643 ISSN: 1081-3810
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