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Providing Access to Multimedia Collections in Digital Commons Institutional Repositories: Challenges, Opportunities, and Collaborations
Digital Commons Southeastern User Group 2017
  • Rachel Walton, Rollins College
  • Lee Dotson, University of Central Florida
  • Courtenay McLeland, University of North Florida
Alvin Sherman Library 3018
Presentation Type
Start Date
2-6-2017 2:00 PM
End Date
2-6-2017 2:45 PM

Multimedia collections bring inherent challenges to any project and institutional repositories are no different. However, these presenters have found that by partnering with content creators and experimenting with a range of media and features, they were able to create attractive and user-friendly multimedia collections in Digital Commons. In this panel, three digital preservation professionals from different colleges in the state of Florida will discuss the challenges, opportunities, and collaborations involved in creating specific multimedia collections within each of their respective Digital Commons repositories. In addition to talking about their individual case studies, these presenters will touch upon valuable media enhancement features such as embedded Youtube videos, Soundcloud audio, and Google maps. Their hope is that these use cases will inform and empower other bepress users to create new and enhance existing Digital Commons multimedia collections to the benefit of online researchers.


See the attachment for a full summary of our bios, CVs, and individual discussion topics.

We suggest the below keywords for our presentation:



YouTube Videos


Audio Formats

Image Gallery


Citation Information
Rachel Walton, Lee Dotson and Courtenay McLeland. "Providing Access to Multimedia Collections in Digital Commons Institutional Repositories: Challenges, Opportunities, and Collaborations" (2017)
Available at: