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Triassic Stage Boundary Definition using an Integrated Biostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy and Geochronology in Matine Strata of Guandao Section, Nanpanjiang Basin, South China
Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs
  • Leanne M. Stepchinski, Trinity University
  • Daniel Lehrmann, Trinity University
  • Michael J. Orchard, Geological Survey of Canada
  • P. Montgomery, Chevron ETC
  • Jonathan L. Payne, Stanford University
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The chronostratigraphy of Guandao section has served as the foundation for numerous studies of the end Permian extinction and biotic recovery in south China. Guandao section is continuous from the Permian-Triassic boundary to the Upper Triassic, and it contains abundant conodonts and foraminifers, primary magnetic signature, globally recognized carbon isotope excursions, and several dated volcanic ash horizons.

Conodonts enable broad delineation of stages, substages, and numerous biozones from the Changhsingian Stage of the Late Permian through the Carnian Stage of the Late Triassic. We use the following appearances and disappearances of conodont taxa as indicators of stage and substage boundaries: Changhsingian- Griesbachian, first Hindeodus parvus; Griesbachian-Dienerian, last H. parvus, first Neospathodus dieneri; Dienerian-Smithian, last Ns. dieneri, Ns. cristagalli, first Ns. pakistanensis, Novispathodus waageni; Smithian-Spathian, first Ns. crassatus, Spathicuspus spathi, Spathian-Aegean, first Chiosella gondolelloides, Cs. timorensis; Aegean-Bithynian, last Triassospathodus homeri, first Nicoraella germanica, Ni. kockeli, Bithynian-Pelsonian, last Neogondolella regalis, Pelsonian-Illyrian, last Paragondolella bulgarica, first Pg. excelsa; Illyrian-Fassanian, first Budurovignathus trumpyi, Ng. trammeri; Fassanian-Longobardian, first Bv. mungoensis; Longobardian-Cordevolian, first Quadralella polygnathiformis.

The section contains numerous magnetic reversals with predominantly normal polarity zones in the Smithian-Spathian Aegean-Bithynian, Longobardian-Cordevolian, and predominantly reversed polarity in the upper Griesbachian-Lower Smithian, Upper Spathian, and Pelsonian. Large amplitude carbon isotope excursions characterize the Lower Triassic and basal Anisian. The overall pattern in magnetic reversals is consistent with that of European sections and the carbon isotope excursions have been correlated globally. Several volcanic tuff horizons bracket the P-T boundary and Spathean-Aegean boundary in Guandao section and across the basin. High resolution U-Pb analysis from zircons in volcanics provide a robust age date of 247.2 Ma for the Spathean-Aegean Triassic boundary.

Citation / Publisher Attribution

Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 46, issue 1, p. 33

Citation Information
Leanne M. Stepchinski, Daniel Lehrmann, Michael J. Orchard, P. Montgomery, et al.. "Triassic Stage Boundary Definition using an Integrated Biostratigraphy, Magnetostratigraphy, Chemostratigraphy and Geochronology in Matine Strata of Guandao Section, Nanpanjiang Basin, South China" Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs Vol. 46 Iss. 1 (2014)
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