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Unpublished Paper
Rangeland Data Collection Protocol: For Evaluation of Ecological Parameters for the CBRLM Program in Northern Namibia Conducted by IPA
  • Brien E. Norton
Methods description written by Dr. Brien E. Norton, Department of Wildland Resources, Utah State University.

On-ground ecological sampling was conducted in 38 Rangeland Intervention Areas (RIAs) along an 800km transect running East to West; 19 were treatment RIAs and 19 were control RIAs. IPA predicted that 123 Grazing Areas (GAs) within the 38 RIAs could participate in the CBRLM program based on pre-program indicators, and these GAs were targeted for data collection, including ecological parameters. Of the 123 GAs, 52 were located in 19 treatment RIAs and a corresponding 71 GAs lay within 19 control RIAs and therefore served as controls.
  • rangeland,
  • data collection,
  • protocol,
  • namibia,
  • innovations for poverty action
Publication Date
October, 2020
Citation Information
Norton, Brien E. (2020). Rangeland Data Collection Protocol: For Evaluation of Ecological Parameters for the CBRLM Program in Northern Namibia Conducted by IPA. Unpublished paper.