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About Lawrence W. Onsager

Lawrence W. Onsager retired as the Dean of Libraries effectively July 1, 2019. Larry faithfully served the library, first, as Head of Patron Services for three years, and lastly as Dean of Libraries for 15 years. Larry will be remembered for the following notable achievements:
Building upgrades: New lobby décor; gallery area; built-in wooden shelves for E.G. White books; updated seminary reference area; updated media services area; updated general reading area; refurbished antique tables in stacks; lounge furniture in top level stacks area.
Information commons areas: Computer labs in reference and media services areas and at the lower level. He updated library instruction lab, and started reprographic services that include, scanning station, 3D printer lab; large format printing.
Collection development: MeLCat service implemented for state-wide delivery of books; demand-driven ebook system; strategic conversion of print journals and printed indexes to online databases and ejournal packages. The Digital Commons, AU institutional repository, was started during his time as Dean.
Larry also held positions at Loma Linda University as Medical Reference Librarian, Extramural Services Librarian, and as Chair, Department of Periodicals.  He served later as the Acting Associate Library Director at La Sierra University, and Union College Library Director. Altogether, he served the SDA Church for 32 years.


2020 - Present Dean of Libraries Emeritus, Andrews University Department of Library Science
2019 Dean of Libraries, Andrews University, Andrews University James White Library

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MA, Loma Linda University
MLS, University of Washington


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