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Factors affecting the impact of inservice courses for teachers: implications for policy
Teaching and Teacher Education (1988)
  • Lawrence Ingvarson
  • David Mckenzie

A central component of government strategies for improving the quality of education and the implementation of new programs and policies is often the short inservice course. The context for this particular study was the National Computer Education Program in the state of Victoria, Australia. Week long courses were provided from 1984 to 1986 for over 2,000 teachers on the applications of microcomputers in schools at a cost of approximately two million dollars. Policy makers within the state program had a second agenda: that course participants would act as change agents when they returned to their schools. Teachers were surveyed up to two years after attending the course about the extent to which they had implemented course objectives. What had been done varied greatly from school to school and the factors which mainly accounted for this variation were the levels of administrative support and followup assistance teachers received after their course. The study indicates that returns from investments in inservice education by school systems will be limited if the need for such support and assistance is not anticipated; that is, if planning for policy implementation goes no further than the provision of inservice courses alone, without the orchestration of followup support, both from within the school and from external sources.

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Citation Information
Lawrence Ingvarson and David Mckenzie. "Factors affecting the impact of inservice courses for teachers: implications for policy" Teaching and Teacher Education Vol. 4 Iss. 2 (1988)
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