Present | Professor Emeritus, Department of Anthropology, College of Social and Behavioral Sciences, University of Massachusetts Amherst | |
Honors and Awards
- Samuel F. Conti Faculty Fellowship Award, In Recognition of Outstanding Research and Scholarship, University of Massachusetts, 2008-2009
- Fellow, John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation, 2008-2009
- Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activity, University of Massachusetts Amherst, UMass Amherst Faculty Convocation, 2008
- Award for Outstanding Accomplishments in Research and Creative Activtity, 2008
- Fellow, Interdisciplinary Seminar in the humanities and Fine Arts 2007-2008
- Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science 2004
- Sigma Xi Distingguished Teaching Award 1997-1999
- University of Massachusetts Distinguished Teaching Award, 1997-1998
- Humanist Contributions to Science Award, American Humanist Association (47th Annual Conference, Dallas Texas, May) 1988
- University of Massachusetts Presidential Writers' Award, Boston (Awarded by U. Mass President, David C. Knapp) 1985
- American Association of University Woment Honorary Fellow, 1983-1984
- Society of Sigma Xi, Tufts University. Summa Cum Laude in Scientia Orignum Cultus Humani, Tufts University, 1967
- Society of Scholars, Tufts University (One of the top three GPS's in the class), 1996
Contact Information
Machmer Hall
240 Hicks Way
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Amherst, MA 01003
Tel: 413-545-2064 (office)
Tel: 413-253-5686 (home)
Fax: 413-545-9494