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The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families: Resources, employment and policies to improve wellbeing
Open-Access Books by Faculty
  • Rense Nieuwenhuis, Stockholm University
  • Laurie C Maldonado, Molloy University

Editors: Rense Nieuwenhuis and Laurie C. Maldonado

Authors are listed in order of appearance in text. Author/Editor details at time of book publication.

Available Open Access under CC-BY-NC licence. This book presents evidence from over 40 countries that shows how single parents face a triple bind of inadequate resources, employment and policies, which in combination further complicate their lives.

This book - multi-disciplinary and comparative in design - shows evidence from over 40 countries, along with detailed case studies of Sweden, Iceland, Scotland, and the UK. It covers aspects of well-being that include poverty, good quality jobs, the middle class, wealth, health, children’s development and performance in school, and reflects on social justice.

Leading international scholars challenge our current understanding of what works and draw policy lessons on how to improve the well-being of single parents and their children.

Also available through Bristol University Press.

Creative Commons License
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International
Publication Date
Bristol Univesrity Press
Citation Information
Rense Nieuwenhuis and Laurie C Maldonado. The Triple Bind of Single-Parent Families: Resources, employment and policies to improve wellbeing. (2018)
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