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Developing a New MARC Load Profile and Process to Streamline Record Creation
2019 OH-IUG (Ohio Innovative Users Group) Conference (2019)
  • Lauren K. Marshall
  • Brandon Walker, Cleveland State University
John Carroll University, like many other institutions, has seen staffing reductions, concentrating more work on fewer individuals. We therefore sought ways to reduce the number of steps when cataloging new books and DVDs. The end result was a MARC record load profile that creates both order and item records when pulling the MARC files in from OCLC. We will discuss the evaluation of our cataloging workflow, designing a new load profile around streamlining that workflow, and troubleshooting the process before, during, and after. We will also address the collaborative process between technical services and systems.
  • cataloging,
  • MARC records,
  • workflows,
  • collaboration,
  • academic libraries,
  • library systems
Publication Date
September 20, 2019
Columbus, Ohio
Citation Information
Lauren K. Marshall and Brandon Walker. "Developing a New MARC Load Profile and Process to Streamline Record Creation" 2019 OH-IUG (Ohio Innovative Users Group) Conference (2019)
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