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Laurel Terry's Summary & Supplement to the U.S. Lawyer AML Voluntary Good Practices Guidance [A "Red Flags" Two-Pager]
  • Laurel S. Terry
This "two pager" summarizes information found the Voluntary Good Practices Guidance, which was developed by representatives from the American Bar Association (ABA), the American College of Trusts and Estates Counsel (ACTEC), and other organizations. See In August 2010, the ABA adopted the Voluntary Good Practices Guidance. See Among other things, Resolution 116 calls on "state, local, and specialty bar associations to embrace the Good Practices Guidance and to educate legal professionals and law students regarding the risks addressed by the Guidance." See

This "two-pager" was prepared in that spirit of education. It lists in two pages the money laundering "red flags" that are found throughout the 40-page Voluntary Good Practices Guidance document.

For additional information about legal profession AML efforts, see the October 2014 “Lawyers’ Guide” jointly prepared by the International Bar Association, the CCBE, and the ABA. See

You can read more of my work about lawyers, AML, FATF, and money laundering by going to my Selected Works webpage and selecting from the "Jump to Category" dropdown menu the topic "Financial Action Task Force (FATF) ...& AML:

You can see additional lawyer-AML items by going to my presentation slides webpage and selecting "Financial Action Task Force" from the topical index:

  • AML,
  • money laundering,
  • lawyers,
  • legal profession,
  • FATF,
  • Financial Action Task Force,
  • red flags,
  • GTO
Publication Date
Citation Information
Laurel Terry's Summary & Supplement to the U.S. Lawyer AML Voluntary Good Practices Guidance (2011),